Social Media Netiquettes

The internet is now widely used and enjoyed by many people all over the world. It has changed social behavior and lifestyle of its users and according to studies this changes can be both an advantage and disadvantage. Like most things in this world, the internet can be a great help or the worst assistant so going online needs to be done in moderation. But sometimes people tend to forget how to use the internet courteously that leads to misunderstanding between and among people.

A common cause of misunderstanding online is the use of capitals letters. Typing in all caps is an internet code for shouting. In 2006, Belgian software developer Pieter Hintjens launched the “CAPSoff” campaign with a slogan of “STOP SHOUTING!” which aims to get the offending key kicked off the keyboard. Moreover, some people overuse the caps lock key in composing e-mails and other online post in which accordingly is an ugly and inelegant style of communication affiliated to screaming.

The FBI warned the public in posting in social media. Like the 2015 incident in Chicago where a college student has been arrested and accused of threatening to kill white people at the University of Illinois. He deleted the post immediately but someone spotted the post and it triggered a frantic and fearful responses.

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying though posting rude, offensive or insulting messages against the victim on the internet. According to reports cases of cyberbullying in the country increased 70.74 percent in 2016. In 2015, celebrity stylist Liz Uy had been a victim of cyberbullying because of blogger’s claim that the stylist used recycled pieces of clothing in styling Maine Mendoza. Due to the post she had been receiving hurtful criticisms from netizens.

Certain netiquette issues will be lessen by educating the citizen on the responsible usage of electronic communication mediums through integration of such in the curriculum of learners. Issues or cases regarding netiquettes would be decreased through continuous improvement or innovations to improve the efficiency and security of the information and identity of its users.

Given the opportunity to create new development for technological medium it would be a presence of 3D holographic display or shape-shifting nano-bots of resource speakers which is more interactive than teleconferencing and audience can have the ambiance of having a face to face interaction.

Another one with be the development of electronic paper which will be beneficial to the environment. With the electronic paper the use of paper will be lessen. This electronic paper would be a wireless device and have wireless connection in which information would be more accessible anytime. Display would not be printed in papers but rather display would be available in the device.

I have realized that with technology at our fingertips, it is teaching us how to think outside the box and helping us to reinforce intelligence. Technology evolves every now and then according to the demand of the society. The technology that we have now will only become more advanced and efficient in the future.





Robb, A. (2014). How Capital Letters Became Internet Code for Yelling. Retrieved from

Roblyer, M. D. & Doering, A. H. (2013). Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet. Retrieved from

Schulze, S. (2017). Think before you post: FBI issues warning about posting on social media. Retrieved from

Tupas, E. (2017, June 29). Cyberbullying cases soar in 2016. The Philippine Star. Retrieved from

Valdez, E. (2015, November 9). Liz Uy says she’s a victim of cyberbullying. The Manila Times. Retrieved from

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